Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Smashing Eggs

Hola Todas!!!!
 Estamos bien! La comida es BIEN RICO!!!! Me gusta mucho!!  (We are fine!  The food is very good!!!! I like it a lot.) The other day we had mariscos.. clams i believe and it was really good.. although tasted like fish.. and I don´t really like fish.. but that is okay! haha For every meal we have rice!!! and I now know why I did not like rice when I was little because I knew I would get an OVERLOAD later in life!! jaja!! Although I love it now!! and there are many ways to cook it! arroz con leche es mi favorito!  ( Rice with sweeten condensed milk...better than rice pudding.) La Obra es bien!  (The work is good!) We have been a little slower this week because I have been sick.. and I felt terrible because my compañera already does most of the talking and while sick I lost my voice for a day and a half.. she had to do all the talking and even talk for me too.. I felt terrible and alone because I couldn´t speak and couldn´t say anything.. But it helped me realize that I need to be humble and use the Lord in all things and He knows how I feel and how everyone feels and He loves us even though we sin! He is perfect and loves us Perfectly!!!! Even though we aren´t. I can´t wait for the day to see Him and be like Him! He is wonderful and does everything for our good!!! Let the Atonement mold, cleanse, purify, sanctify, and change you! IT IS FOR YOUR GOOD!!! You are becoming the best
you can be through the one who Loves us!!
My compañera is perfect for me!! She compliments me perfectly.. Her strengths are my weaknesses. She is teaching me so much about Love and diligence and patience.. All the attributes of Christ! Her parents should be so proud of her!
So this week.. on Wednesday was el cumplaños de mi compañnera ( the birthday of my companion- a Peruvian tradition- smashing eggs) and we SMASHED EGGS!!!!!! jaja although President Torres says that I still need an egg on my head for my welcome.. we will see.. jaja
Los Elderes tuvieron un bautismo de una jovencita ( the elders had a baptism of a young girl), this saturday, and We have one this next Saturday! We are still working with a familia to get married. but the Lord has opened doors for us and we have found people willing to help!
The temple brings so many blessings! There are many families here that aren´t sealed and I feel so lucky that I have that sealing for eternity. I haven´t been able to go to the temple for about a month.. since I have been in the field, and I miss it dearly! The last time I went in Peru I did not want to leave. There is a peace there that feels like home even though I am far away. Temple Work and Family History are even more important to me now that I have gone through the temple and am away from my family. I can feel your love across the oceans, mountains, and valleys! I feel the support of your prayers when I really need it! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Thank you for teaching me the gospel and choosing to be fiel en el Evangelio! ( Strong in the Gospel!) Keep telling me about home!! and the experiences you are having! It supports me soo much! and if you have pictures!!! I would love to see them!
I only get mail every month or so.. depending when people go to the offices for meetings and stuff..
FELCICDADES A Eddy y David!!!! MORE DRIVERS!!!!!!!!! STAY OFF THE ROADS!!!  ;D ( They passed their driving permits.) 
Everything is great and I am SUPER happy!!! This is the work of the Lord.. and it is fun!!! difficult at times but sooo fun!!! The Elders in my zone are AMAZING!!!! and they have helped me so much to be better!
Squeal for joy..... That we are having a baptism.. THat my compañera es AMAZING!!! haha that we have inside jokes how I am Po from Kung Fu Panda.. jaja MY DISTRICT IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! jaja I hope I stressed that enough. I can definitely see that The Lord has prepared us to help each other and to learn from each other!
Last Sunday I did speak in Church on obra misional con amor y caridad! (on missionary work with love and charity). I spoke with the zone leaders.. and felt my spanish was below par after I heard them and understood about half of what they said... but one is from Mexico and is a native speaker and the other has been on his mission for a year. I just want to speak and understand perfectly already.. but I am learning patience and diligence!! That is so great that they are all using their priesthood. I feel so blessed to have them as my family. That is a problem here.. There is enough people to have a stake but most are inactive- also they only have enough active priesthood to have a branch.. which is really sad for me because I grew up around the priesthood and now I realize how blessed I was and am to have worthy priesthood holders in my home! ( Mardi was sick and I asked her if she said in any. ) I sort of stayed in.. One of the nights this week we went in about 2 hours early and I slept and also I was sleeping in a little in the morning as well. I think I am over the worst of it. Hna Moody did not get sick.. she might soon though.. haha I am praying for no though. The baptism is this Saturday  for son of the family we are working with. and the wedding will happen depending on the paper work. We are having a celebration this Saturday for Peru. I will take pictures and send them to you! I also have pictures of the egg fight... but I may have to wait and send them next week.. Cambios is the second week in August I believe.
You can edit and paste my letters together.. so they make sense..
Hermana Hyer

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